Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol Review (vs. Beretta 1301)
The Beretta A300 Patrol 500 round BURNDOWN video is here: In this episode of TFBTV JamesReeves reviews the brand new Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol. In this video review, James takes an indepth look at the features and performance of the Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol, including its operating system, features, design, and reliability. You ll also see how it handles on the range with a variety of different types of home defense and buckshot ammo. Lastly, do you consider this less expensive tactical shotgun, or the more expensive Beretta 1301 GEAR and APPAREL IN THIS VIDEO Apparel Worn in the Video: Consider supporting us at FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA TFB CHAT ROOM Want to join the TFBTV chat room Use our Discord Invite: , TFBTV