Christine Lagarde The Magic Number 7
International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde talks about the world s economy at a National Press Club luncheon on 15th Jan in 2014. Openly referring to Numerology and the use of the Magic Number Seven on forecasting World Markets for 2014, 2015. Occultly, without giving away too many secrets or the Magic Word Cypher. Presented exactly between the New Year 1st Jan 2014 and the Chinese Lunar New Year 31st Jan 2014 on the 15th Jan 2014. 2014 reducing the Zero equals 214. The Market Cycles anchor on 15th Jan 2014 adding 214 days (+Occult Number Factor), Harmonics 2n 70 (years) reduces to +7 She then goes on to give further dates that all have great Market Vibration correlating to this annual phenomenon. Little wonder the IMF is Godlike in their monetary business practices. Magic Words Thru The Zodiac.