BAD BOYS: RIDE OR DIE Whatcha Gonna Do Jimmy Butler
What does it take to be a Bad Boy It s time to find out. ,BadBoys: Ride Or Die exclusively in movie theaters June 7. Visit our website: Follow us on social: Subscribe to the Sony Pictures YouTube Channel for more exclusive content: This Summer, the world s favorite Bad Boys are back with their iconic mix of edgeofyour seat action and outrageous comedy but this time with a twist: Miami s finest are now on the run. Directed by: Adil Bilall Written by: Chris Bremner Produced by: Jerry Bruckheimer Will Smith Chad Oman Doug Belgrad Executive Producers: Barry Waldman Mike Stenson James Lassiter Jon Mone Chris Bremner Martin Lawrence Cast: Will Smith Martin Lawrence Vanessa Hudgens Alexander Ludwig Paola Nuñez Eric Dane Ioan Gruffudd Jacob Scipio Melanie Liburd Tasha Smith with Tiffany Haddish and Joe Pantoliano , Sony, SonyPictures, BadBoys, BadBoysMovie, WillSmith, MartinLawrence, VanessaHudgens, AlexanderLudwig, PaolaNuñez, EricDane, IoanGruffudd, JacobScipio, MelanieLiburd, TashaSmith, Trailer, MovieTrailer