Chinese Zodiac Horoscope 2022, 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals Forecast in the Year of the Tiger
Want to know who will RISE or FALL in 2022 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger, starting from February 1, 2022, and lasting until January 21, 2023. The Year of the Tiger is a year of possibilities and prosperity. Entering 2022, every zodiac sign s horoscope will change. Weve prepared this summary forecast video for you as a guide for the upcoming Chinese New Year. It includes the prediction of 12 Chinese zodiac animals, the years, lucky colors, lucky numbers, the way of getting good luck in zodiac year, and others. First, want to find your Chinese Zodiac Sign, go to Tiger is the third of the 12 zodiac signs. The 12 animals are in order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. In this video, the 12 Chinese zodiac signs will be divided into three groups. The first one includes Tiger, Snake, Monkey, and Pig, people need to pay attention. The second, the rising stars, including Rat, Ox, Rabbit, and Drago