Symphony Of Our Star Real Images Of Sun 4 K
There are trillions of stars in the universe. Our own Star the Sun is rather ordinary one. The official classification for our Sun is a Gtype mainsequence star (spectral type: GV star). The surface temperature of such stars is between 5027C and 5727C. Interesting facts about Sun: Our Star is a Yellow Dwarf star. The Sun is composed of hydrogen (70) and Helium (28). The Sun is halfway through its life 4. 5 billion years old. It takes eight minutes for light reach Earth from the Sun. Over one million Earths could fit inside the Sun. The Sun has a very strong magnetic field. The Sun is traveling at 220 km per second. Our Star accounts for of the mass in the Solar System. The Suns surface area is 11, 990 times that of the Earths. The energy created by the Suns core is nuclear fusion. One day the Sun will consume the Earth. The Sun is almost a perfect sphere. The Sun will eventually be about the size of Earth. The distance between Earth and Sun changes. The Sun rotates in the opposite di