The narcissists playbook: How smart women are abused by romantic frauds, Australian Story
Narcissists. Frauds. Fantasists. How smart women are being swindled by romance conmen. It s not often you become the subject of your own story, but this is exactly what happened to journalist Stephanie Wood when she fell in love with a man she met online. After a tumultuous year she discovered her boyfriends life was a carefully constructed web of lies and deceptions. When she published a book about life with Joe she was inundated with stories from other women about their own betrayals at the hands of serial fantasists, many of whom began their false personas online. Australian Story follows Stephanie as she meets some of these women and hears their heartbreaking and ultimately lifeaffirming accounts of how they rebuilt their lives. Read more: , AustralianStory, Narcissists, onlinedating, fakes Watch more Australian Story documentaries here: You can al