How is a Heart Attack Treated
Dr. Aaron Grantham, interventional Cardiologist, explains what happens during a heart attack, how a heart attack is treated in the hospital, and what drugs are used. Dr. Grantham also explains what is happening to the patient as they are taken off the ambulance and into the cath lab cardiac catheterization lab for treatment as well as when they are taken to the CCU coronary Care Unit. It is not uncommon for a patient to continue feeling symptoms of a heart attack until the artery has been opened for examination. An emergency angioplasty will be performed on the patient in order to remove the plaque clogging the artery. A sheath will be used to help insert a catheter so that digital images of the heart and its surroundings can be recorded. A balloon catheter and stent will be inserted in order to open the blockage and restore the blood flow through the artery. After the emergency angioplasty, the patient will be transferred from the care of the interventional cardiologist to his cardiology br, br,