Chocolate cake roll
chocolate cake roll, chocolate swiss roll cake, chocolate roll cake, easy chocolate cake roll, recipe for chocolate cake roll, chocolate cake, , chocolatecakeroll, chocolateswissroll, chocolatecake, chocolatecakeroll, spicebites Spice Bites Blog 310 This Easy chocolate cake roll has light sponge cake, creamy filling inside, Rich and totally irresistible, this dessert is for chocolate lovers. It is an impressive yet surprisingly delicious recipe to make that s fit for any occasion. Ingredients: for the cake : 4 egg yolks room temperature sugar 1, 4 cup vanilla extract 1tsp cooking oil 1, 3 cup milk 1, 3 cup flour (maida) 3, 4 cup cocoa powder 1, 3 cup baking powder 1tsp 4 egg whites sugar 1, 3 baking tray size 38x28cm baking time : bake preheated oven at 180c for 20 to 22 minutes for the whipped cream : whipping cream 200ml powdered sugar 1, 3 cup cocoa powder 1tbsp for th