New Tanz der Vampire Totale Finsternis ( Multi Language)
Languages, songs: Finnish: Dance of the Vampires Kun kaikki pimenee Russian: Бал вампиров Кромешная тьма German: Tanz der Vampire Totale Finsternis (Wien: 1997; 2010; 2011, St. Gallen, Berlin: 2016) Japanese: ダンスオブヴァンパイア 愛のデュエット Dutch: Dans Der Vampieren Totale Duisternis French: Le Bal des Vampires Cette Nuit Restera Eternelle Hungarian: Vámpírok bálja Teljes a sötét English: Dance of the Vamipres Total Eclipse of the Heart (demo) Czech: Plesu upírů Ve vlnách pocitů Polish: Taniec Wampirów Na orbicie serc Estonian: Vampiiride tants Öölaps Slovakian: Ples Upirov I used the English demo version instead of the Broadway one, because the Broadway version of the song is in a different key and doesn t mix well with the others.