GET BACK Mario Chris Brown, Created by: Nicole Kirkland
Thank you guys for watching this all of you these things wouldn t be possible This whole project was completed in 5 hours I am so proud of everyone involved for pulling this off in such a short amount of time. Mario of course killed it and had the best energy to everyone there. Make sure to listen to Get Back anywhere you get your music Created Choreographed by: Nicole Kirkland nicolekirkland Special Guest Appearance by: Mario marioworldwide Filmed by: Ant Om Edited by: Jon Hernandez directedbyjon Talent: Ariyana Galino ari. g Brittney Hope brittneyhopee Calei Marie caleimarie Christina Alba christinaaalba Deanna Leggett deannaleggett Dominique LaRaine dominiquelaraine Edith Cruz theedithcruz Hannah Oyibo oyibabyyy Jasmine White missjazzi Kamila Fuentes kmillss Khaleya Graham khaleya Mari Salarda marisalarda