How to Vogue the Old Way in Hip Hop Dance
Bestselling Learn Guitar on Android What Is Voguing Voguing became popular in the 1970s, and there are two main styles of voguing: old way and new way. Voguing comes from dancers imitating models and involves striking many poses like a moving photo shoots. An important thing to remember in voguing is lines. Old way voguing contains many straight, sharp and rigid movements, not loose ones like the new way of voguing. How to Vogue 1. Start with your right arm pushing out. Your other arm will also push out at the same time your right leg is stepping out. 2. Bring the right arm pointing straight up in the air while bringing your right leg back in. 3. Now look to the left and bring your left arm towards your chest. 4. Rest your right arm in front of you, balancing it on top of your left arm. 5. Swing both of your arms back down around your waists with your palms open. 6. Now step forward with one arm outstretched in br, br,