What Leandros thought would happen, Warhammer 40k meme dub
Behold, Space Marine 1. 5 Selling your chapter out to an Imperial Inquisitor who had a grudge against you all along probably isn t your idea of a smart move. Pfft. Shows what YOU know. Our Gigabrained Chad LEANDROS (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM) on the other hand, knows a thing or two. Selling out Titus (who was actually a daemon the whole time) was the best thing he ever did He got fame, fortune, and it didn t hurt with the ladies either. Until it all came crashing down via the machinations of the dastardly John (freakin) Grammaticus. Sad Kneeling Guilliman by velocraptor7571 Yvrainne model by ChaoGann Mira, Yvraine and Slaanesh voiced by Carole Carolemeyer of the Carole Clan (everybody say thank you to Carole). Get your daily dose of dread on ecks dot com x. com, DreadAnon Short form videos on TikTok