Horse Trotting (1960)
M, S and C, Us of a man and two boys preparing a horse for a race; M, S of other horses being groomed while a man hangs various harnesses on the gate of a horse box; C, Us of same. M, S as a trap is attached to the harness of a horse; C, U of two young girls petting a horse. M, Ss of a man pumping and checking the tyres of a trap; commentator says only 50 to 60 pounds and called a sulky, the kind they ve developed specially for trotting racing. C, U of two middleaged men looking on. Commentator mentions how popular the sport is in America. M, S as this trap is attached to the horse; C, U as the trap is strapped to his harness. M, Ss of horses with traps attached carrying drivers walking off towards the race area. M, S of the racetrack at Gosling Stadium in Welwyn Garden City with a lone horse and trap trotting round and spectators and bookies in foreground; C, Us of a bookie chalking names on his blackboard; another takes a bet. M, S of a horse and trap being led onto the track. Various shots