2021 07 24 Space X Starbase at Boca Chica
Hot swampy day around the BocaChica. Trying to make a quick video is impossible with the amount of production and area of work. You will see all spaces and feel the heat and mosquitoes in the dog days of summer as I sludge through stagnant water and dusty road beds. This is a good time to remind you to subscribe and make it worth my hardships and efforts. It s just me, not a robot or team. Be an armchair supporter and let me bring you the independent view of the future by subscribing. Your comments are always awesome, but this video I look forward to your view on this sweat dripping insect riddled clip. This is just the beginning, August is brutal. So who am I I m the 1st (and only) neighbor, Maria, that lived and filmed next to SpaceX before anyone knew about SpaceX. Not back in the village or from an NSF team or robot. One of the many gals and guys of the now historical BocaChica area. Mr BocaChica and I were the very last home on Hwy 4