Kría Brekkan 2008 covers Chemirocha on East Village Radio in NYC
Stuart Rogers Kría Brekkan performs djonní on EVR s All Over The Shop. The song, with it s amended name is a cover of Chemirocha, a tribute to America s Blue Yodeler, Jimmie Rodgers. Jimmie is alleged to be worshiped by the Kipsigi tribe of East Africa, who heard his singing on old some old 78 s. He soon became known to them as Chemirocha and is considered to be a centaurlike spirit, half man and half antelope, and young Kipsigi maidens are alleged to dance their most seductive dances and beg him to join them. Kristin Anna first heard the song on a cassette mix her friend Michael Klausman made for her husband, Avey Tare. To hear the rest of Kría Brekkan s set on EVR s All Over The Shop w, Ben Stu, pop by here and sign up for the podcast dead link Recorded in EVR s hall of mirrors studio on April 26, 2008. Shot and edited by Stuart Rogers with sound by Ben Allen.