Tip of the Week How To Easily Put Pants on Sticky 1, 6 Scale Action Figure Bodies
In this amazing tip of the week video, Sully uses mini stretch wrap to wrap up the sticky legs and torso of a rubber Phicen body so that pants slide on easy. We cracked up watching this video back because some of the shots look very inappropriate, but regardless, this tip works wonders on any rubber Phicen or TB League body. There a lot more bodies coming out with that sticky rubber surface and this wrap will help you kitbash easier and keep the stretch wrap keeps the plastic from staining. Sully looked for the mini plastic wrap online and all he could find are these items on Amazon: (not an affiliate). The smallest width available is 2 inches, and his mini stretch wrap is one inch wide. We looked and can t find it anywhere, so we promise if we find it again, we ll update the link there. In the meantime, two or three inch stretch wra