Ara boring with Aron Feeding Milk He Ever understands Ara Feel
Each year the baby monkeys are born from late spring through to early summer. The Barbary macaques are seasonal breeders, with babies always being born at the same time each year (usually between April July). It s always an exciting time as the Monkey Forest staff wait in anticipation. Anna is great, It s the jungle baby, she prepares them well, Anna have a lot of problems Aron is a KING in group ANNA the best mother her young are independent early, this is her 5th baby Alsa monkey ( girl ) Alba monkey ( girl ) Anissa monkey ( girl ) Ariana monkey ( girl ) Ara monkey ( boy ) TOMA the best mother her young are independent early, this is her 3th baby too Tobias monkey ( boy ) Tonya monkey ( girl ) Tilly monkey ( girl ) Monkey baby monkey monkey baby poor baby monkey monkey just born monkey give birth Anna monkey Toma and baby Tilly monkey Libby and rainbow monkey n