Candles End
Watch in HQ Edit WHY ARE YOU ALL SO SWEET ;3; THANK YOU FOR THE KIND COMMENTS, GLOMPS EVERYONE Wow, once again it has taken me ages to complete something, forgive me for that I tend to have lots of ideas, but finishing them without some sort of omygod I fail moment is rare XD So yeah, this was meant as a audition for MWP, lets just say it was a bit late. My excuse for this mess I m trying to become better at timing matching the beats, sound of music with images and I have to practice for that, nods Anyhow, thank you all so much for all the kind messages, comments I received for my previous vids I really appreciate it and I hope you all like my newest mmv Once again it s Pandora Hearts, I love that series way too much. It became a bit angsty, but then again, I just love angst. Please comment, subscribe, that ll make my day The beautiful Elliot, Leo artwork used in t br, br,