Bury My Mother Pale and Slight, Mylas Song
An interpretation of Myla s song based on the tune she hums. With additional verses, and a chorus inspired by Hollow Knight s main theme. Sung by me (at 2am) (with a cold) (also I am not a trained singer by any means) that said, I m actually pretty happy with how this turned out Context: When the city was condemned, were the miners still in Crystal Peak left outside Did they wonder what happened to their families left within Did they sing for them For the knight and dreamers whose memorial they may once have seen For the desperate hope for a brighter future Even just a chance to mourn Additional Context: The really fun thing about rounds is how one by one the voices inevitably die off until there is only one remaining. :) MP3 available here: All background footage is from my first, blind playthrough of Hollow Knight. Many thanks to The Embraced One and Camellia Flingert whose recordings of Crystal Peak ambience provided the perfect background noise, pickaxes, ominous rumbling. )