Toronto Beaches Boardwalk Woodbine Beach Lake Ontario Canada June 5, 2021
Hi everyone in this video I m walking On the Woodbine Beach Downtown Toronto, Finally summer is here and people are enjoying it. The Temperature is 31C Woodbine Beachis the largest of the fourbeachesinthe BeachesinToronto, Ontario, Canada. Located alongLake Shore Boulevardat the foot ofWoodbine Avenue, it is next toAshbridge s Bayand KewBalmy Beach. Woodbine beach is the westernmost beach in the Beaches, and the series of beaches extend east until theRC Harris Water Treatment beach runs parallel to the boardwalk and theMartin Goodman Trail, and is part of Woodbine Beach Park. Wikipedia. I hope you will like it And THANK YOU for all your comments I feel overwhelmed by all your love every time I make a new video. Thank you for taking the time to write and share. Much love to you all Paypal Donation: