La Seine Cabaret ( Male
This is the male version of Le Seine Caberet made with Audacity 1. 3 beta. I think that this is what Lucille would sound like if she was a he. xD The song and Un Monstre a Paris or A Monster in Paris is copyright Eurocorp and Bibo Bergeron. This doesn t belong to me and is made strictly for fun. I get nothing from this video at all. Thank you and enjoy what Lucian sounds like, everyone :D ENGLISh LYRICS: She s resplendent, so confident The Seine, the Seine, the Seine I realize I m hypnotized The Seine, the Seine, the Seine I hear the moon singing a tune The Seine, the Seine, the Seine Is she divine It is the wine The Seine, the Seine, the Seine I don t know, don t know, so don t ask me why That s how we are, the Seine and I I don t know, don t know, so don t ask me why That s how we are, the Seine and I I feel alive when I m beside The S br, br,