Chant d Amour Magie de lÂme Musique Emile LELOUCH
Song of love Magic of the Soul Chant d Amour Magie de l Âme Poème de Chantal 03, 1996 Musique : Extrait de l album LE CASTEL et impro à la suite du piano de et par Emile LELOUCH Ed. Pierre Lafitan SONG OF LOVE MAGIC OF THE SOUL They call me Mary Tenderness, Regard child, Chant d Amour I am womanlight, when my smile arises At the trough of open hands of man; Manlight, when it comes to blossom The smile of the woman he is, too. They call me Mary Gentle, Earthlight, Song of Love I am dawnlight, when, in a scent of dew, My smile greet the day comes; Soullight, when, in a dusty condition of light I live in more intimate children of the earth. I am. .. the their hearts. They call me Mary Hope, Harvest Wind, Song of love Chantal 03, 1996 CHANT D,