Red Hot Chili Peppers Wet Sand ( Piano Cover)
Happy Birthday, Sam So I ve decided to post piano videos as a birthday gift for friends who have some musical significance to me. You ve been a great influence on the types of music that I ve listened to throughout my whole life: Linkin Park, Orange Range, Jay Chou, and most recently, Red Hot Chili Peppers. I decided to try covering Wet Sand because it s one of your favorite RHCP songs, and if I remember correctly, you also know how to play the intro on guitar. Anyways, happy 20th birthday, stay awesome, and keep sending me cool music Notes: So this is my first piano recording, I guess. I played this by ear, just improvised off the chord progression for the left hand, and played the basic melody with the right. As you may be able to tell, I m still new to improvisation, and haven t had piano lessons in around 8 years, so any tips or feedback would be welcome. I shortened the song, too; because of my limited skill, I can t manage playing through a full br, br,