Pokemon Team Rocket Jessie
Isn t Jessie gorgeous Pokemon, XY, AMV, all generations. DOWNLOAD AVAILABLE: Enjoy the series of Team Rocket videos Want more videos like this Support us on Patreon Small rewards with special ranks available Want to download Visit below SHORT SUMMARY: Jessie is a member of Team Rocket, more specifically part of a trio with James and Meowth, that follows Ash and his friends around in the Pokémon anime, usually trying to steal Ash s Pikachu and other peoples Pokemon. During her days as a Team Rocket trainee, before meeting James and Meowth, she could never work with a partner, thinking they would only drag her down. Starting in Hoenn, Jessie became a Pokémon Coordinator, entering every Pokemon Contest that she could, and her passion only grew stronger and stronger. While off to a bad start in Hoenn, afterwards she places high in nearly every contest she entered, and was even in the top 4 of th