Ocean of emotion Semenov Vitaly Sem Jem
I remember this boring time. When my life was just like flat line. Gray sky always followed for me Everywhere. Now is everything changed like style Suddenly i saw your fine smile Blue sky always follows with me Once you came. Ocean of You give me again. Ocean of Tell me your name. Tell me why you are came so late Why so long time i had to wait You are gift in my lonely fate And this not game. All I have, I will give to you. All I do, I will do for you. All I say, it is really truth I love you Ocean of You give me again. Ocean of Tell me your name. Личный сайт автора: Поддержать автора: Yandex 410011324776971 Webmoney R244582415079 Номер карты (сбербанк) 4276 8800 5770 9499 Счет карты (для организаций и переводов изза границы) 40817810102001102626 ВСЕМ БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО