Fluoride and Nazi prison camps and drinkwater, a short talk in the street
Lisa, Ive got a rat problem what can I do I tried evrything Henry, did you try Sodium Fluoride No whats that a kind of stuff Well its properly tested in Germany s Nazi prison camps. The nazis were medicating the water with Fluoride to sterilize women and to force the imprisoned of these camps into calm submission. Fluoride And the same Sodium Fluoride, has been used as rat poison for roundabout 40 years. ah thats fine, where can I get that proper poison to poison that damned rats You can find it in your drinkwater you can find it in your toothpaste and it will not only poison rats By the way: even in the 2nd Impression of Germanys Master Plan by Joseph Borkin and Charles A Welsh, printed 1943 I couldnt find the citation with the prison camps often oftencited in the internet :(