How to build 6 AUTOMATIC FARMS in a BARN in MINECRAFT ( Relaxing Video) TUTORIAL
Minecraft 6 Automatic Farms in 1 Animal Barn Tutorial ( how to build a barn in minecraft) ( 6 Starter Farms ) This construction represents a barn where there are 6 farms: 1) Automatic Wool Farm 2) Automatic Chicken Egg Farm 3) Feather Farm 4) Food farm 5) Leather Farms 6) Milk Farm The farms work in bedrock and java without problems, from version 1. 16 to 1. 19 VIDEO DETAILS SHADER: BLS RESOURCE PACKS: Faithful AUTHOR: Rectic7 Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) Bloom OFF SOCIAL NETWORKS Facebook: TikTok: Instagram: Twitch: Discord: For business inquiries: rectic7outlook. c