Richard Armitage video message for his 50th Birthday
Aww Mr, RichardArmitage cutting his birthday cupecake with the Orcrist is the best I just can t wait for the Sunday (August 22), Richie to celebrate your wonderful 50th birthday what a lovely man you re always what a lovely words you have said I really love you we all really love you I m sorry, you posted this video message accidentally and you said you will re post it on your birthday this sunday but I just can t stop sharing this here from now sorry not sorry , ThorinOakenshield, TheHobbit, JohnPorter, LucasNorth, JohnThornton and here the transcription of what he said, thanks to astrovian on tumblr Awwww. Hi Yup, its the big one. Thats the little one. I was gonna write something down, but I thought Id just come say it in person. Yep, uh its my fiftieth birthday. Many of you know that I dont enjoy celebrating my birthday. Im always a bit embarrassed when people turn the lights out, wheel in a cake with candles, and start singing happy birthday. But yknow, I was