Chris Brown and Rihanna Love is Powerful
PLEASE, READ THIS before watching the video: I wanna dedicate this to my Chrianna Family for ALWAYS believing in true and unconditional love. As you know, my videos never wanna be disrespectful towards Chris and Rihanna s present situations, so take it for what it is a fan video. Being a fan of both, my biggest wish would be to see them back together, but seeing how they collaborated not only on 1 song but 2, made me really happy. I dont know if the concept of the video is clear, so I d like to explain it a little bit: Basically I tried to imagine how Chris and Rihanna, being young, might have been pushed to make decisions they didnt necessarily want to make, or how they both made mistakes (making mistakes is definitely a part of the growing up process), but no matter how hard things might have been for them both, they share a love that NEVER dies, never has, never will. They cant change the past, but they have the present and the future ahead them. I