Jhoome Jo Pathaan Song, Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika, Vishal Sheykhar, Arijit Singh, Sukriti, Kumaar
Let s get this party started, shall we ,JhoomeJoPathaan song out now Celebrate Pathaan with YRF50 only at a big screen near you on 25th January, 2023. Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Subscribe Now: Stay updated YRF New Releases: Song Credits: Music: Vishal and Sheykhar Lyrics: Kumaar Singers: Arijit Singh, Sukriti Kakar, Vishal and Sheykhar Director of Choreography: BoscoCaesar Recording At: YRF Studios (Abhishek Khandelwal, Chinmay Mestry, Dileep Nair) Mixed By: Abhishek Khandelwal (YRF Studios), Dileep Nair (Assistant Mixing Engineer YRF Studios) Mastered By: Gethin John (Hafod Mastering, Wales UK) Additional Music Credits: Song Arranged By: Meghdeep Bose Guitar: Meghdeep Bose Stay in the filmy loop: Like us on Facebook: Facebook, yrf Follow us on Twitter: Twitter, yrf Follo