Why the United Nations is obsolete
Register for AI ChatGPT workshop for FREE: 100 Discount for first 1000 people + 500 worth bonuses Become the top 1 professional by learning ChatGPT AI today Reshare this with your friends who will need this The, UN no longer reflects the complex realities of todays, multilateralism, which is why many see it as a dying institution. Support CaspianReport YouTube membership Patreon PayPal Merchandise Crypto endorsement Bitcoin 1MwRNXWWqzbmsHova7FMW11zPftVZVUfbU Ether 0xfE4c310ccb6f52f9D220F25Ce76Dec0493dF9aA0 Bitcoin Cash 1BKLti4Wq4EK9fsBnYWC91caK7NZfUhNw9 Join us on Facebook or Twitter Twitter Facebook My equipment and editing software Watch CaspianReport in other languages Spanish Russian , ad, sponsored