MEN OF WAR ( PC): Judgement Day on the Don River December 11th 1942
The German 6th Army has surrendered at Stalingrad, the Italians in charge of protecting the German s flanks in Russia are about to bear the brunt of the red army counteroffensive. Mussolini s Ravenna and Cosseria infantry divisions are holding a defensive position on the banks for the Don River in Russia. . Without German support, the ill equipped Italians fight bravely but are easily smashed by the hammer sickle of Stalin s hoardes. . Light Italian armor is no match for the hard charging T34 s who punch through them like paper. . This marks the beginning of the end for the fascist campaigh in Russia, from here there is only, defeat, retreat, captivity for the Italian. . From the warm beaches of Tuscany to the stark infinite frigid tundra of the Russian plains, death for the Italian Soldier was bitter indeed. . Historical Background: 1941 (22 June) Axis powers attack the Soviet Union. 1941 (14 July) beginning of the Italian campaign in the Soviet Union. br, br,