Чемпион мира по Тетрису Джонас Ньюбауэр умер, Tetris World Champion Jonas Newbauer Dies
We are shocked and heartbroken to share that Jonas Neubauer, 7time CTWC champion, passed away suddenly on January 4. Jonas has been an absolute pillar of positivity and humility for our CTWC family. We could have never asked for a greater champ, role model and friend. He was kind, genuine, hilarious, incredibly talented, and a brilliant ambassador for the game. While he was the toughest final boss, he always had the warmest heart. He will live on as a legend in our community and around the world. Jonas, we miss you, we love you, and we thank you for inspiring us to always be our best. All the love to his wife Heather, his mother Sharry, his family and friends. Rest in peace, our mighty hero.