WORLDs LARGEST Bistecca Fiorentina Sous Vide Porterhouse Steak T Bone
This is a special cook. Making the BIGGEST, LARGEST steak in my LIFE is no joke. Bistecca alla Fiorentina as they call it in Italy is a monster porterhouse steak and sometimes a Tbone Steak. But normally its a 2 inch thick steak. However, I went over board and I went BIG, actually, I went HUGE with a 7lbs steak this cook is epic. After several research and speaking with several Italian friends and chef s everyone agreed that I should keep it very simple and I decided to follow their advice. Become a SPONSOR of SVE HOW TO COOK Bistecca Fiorentina SOUS VIDE I cooked it for 4:30hrs (135F, Porterhouse Steak provided by Grand Western Steaks Their Website: Use Code SVE for 10 Off any purchase, no restrictions For Personal Touch Speak to G. M. Emilio (305)3100559 They have picanha, TELL HIM GUGA SENT YOU SUBSCRIBE to This Channel w