Total Inability Debate Free Grace ( Josh Gibbs) vs Calvinism ( Dr. Stephen Boyce
Powered by Restream In this episode we will debate the calvinist doctrine of Total Inability. Josh represents the free grace position arguing against federal headship, imputed guilt of Adam s transgression, regeneration prior to faith, The Eternal Decree of God, the nature of man, freewill, compatibilism etc. Stephen will take the position that man is born in sin, totally deprave, morally not bad, spiritually dead, and totally unable to respond positively toward the gospel appeal to be saved prior to regeneration. Once a man in regenerate, he is then able to discern what is spiritual and will always make a spiritual decision to have faith and to remain in the faith so long as it is God s decreed will. Call in with you questions and as always. God Bless 8168660025