Spider Man: Lotus, The Capacity for Good by Kāru
Not affiliated with Marvel or Sony As one final content drop before the Indiegogo closes, I wanted to reveal the finalized version of the main theme by Kāru He messaged me one day with the belief that he could improve upon the previous composition, and he stuck true to his word I truly could not ask for better this music embodies the movie better than I could possibly imagine. Enjoy The capacity for good rests within us all. Following the tragic death of his former girlfriend seemingly caused by his own attempt to save her Peter Parker (Warden Wayne) lingers in his guilt of the past, questioning whether the curse of his alter ego should be buried for good. When he s met by the news that a terminally ill child has requested to meet SpiderMan, Peter contemplates the decision to comfort him in his final days. Indiegogo closes in 4 days Link: