Optokinetic Video 1 Dizziness Desensitization Training, Balance Training
How to perform: 1. Stand with your feet together and focus on the target 2. Stand with your feet together and focus on the target while turning your head left and right. 3. Stand with your feet together on a pillow and focus on the target while turning your head left and right. Alternative: nod your head up and down Alternative: stand with your feet heel to toe Alternative: stand on one foot SUBSCRIBE to catch all our upcoming Optokinetic, Neuro Rehab, and Vestibular Rehab videos RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT: 1. Top Foam Pad Choice: 2. Alternative Foam Pad Choice: 3. Bosu Balance Trainer: 4. Wobble Cushion (Place one under each foot while performing above exercises): 5. TOGU Balanza BallStep Trainer: