Irelands Children of Shame, Real Stories Full Length Documentary
Tuam, a quiet town in the west of Ireland. Tuam, a name that traumatised the whole of Ireland in the spring of 2014, when an unimaginable story was revealed. A hidden mass grave containing the remains of some 800 children was discovered on the former grounds of a home for single mothers, a hell on earth where children died from ill treatment, and were shamefully buried in secret and forgotten. Up until the 1990s, dozens of these detention centres were run by religious orders, but the country is still reluctant to confront the ghosts of its past. Want to watch more fulllength Documentaries Click here: Follow us on Twitter for more Facebook Instagram realstoriesdocs Content licensed from Java Films. Any queries, please contact us at: Produced by SUNSET PRESSE Children of Shame (Crime Documentary) Real Stories