The Last of Us Part II, Original VS Remaster, PS4 PS4 Pro PS5, Final Comparison
PS4: 1080p, 30fps PS4 Pro: 1440p, 30fps PS5: 2160p, 30fps (3050fps with VRR) 1440p, 60fps (6090fps with VRR) Buy games at InstantGaming for all platforms with discounts Win a game a month with my InstantGaming contest. To participate, all you have to do is choose any game in Stock from their website: The Last of Us Part II Remastered applies some visual improvements on PS5 with respect to the original version. Among them, highlights the increased resolution, VRR, higher quality vegetation, shadows, increased drawing distance or anisotropic filtering. The PS5 performance mode makes some visual cuts in resolution, water quality, drawing distance, shadows and some postprocessing effects. The framerate in this remaster presents a similar performance to The Last of Us Part I remake, with peaks of 90fps in performance mode and an average of about 70fps