ЛЮБЭ Атас, , Lyube Atas. 1993 FOOTAGE
English lyrics: Gleb Zheglóv and Volódya Sharápov Will stay late at the desk not in vain, Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov On a hunt for the gangs headman. More than ever the raspberries flourish, All those pests have been growing thick skins. Bread s in shortage, but lots of shoe polish, Only scoffs for Hunchback, the kingpin. Chorus: Atas Cheer, cheer up, the working class Atas Go, boys and dance, go love the gals Atas Today they will remember us. Raspberry berry, Atas Atas Atas Atas Atas Atas Till the morning the room will be lighted, Gleb Zheglov and Volodya wont sleep. The notorious gang, the Black Kitty, Should be scared of guys that dig deep. Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov Earned their medals for valor in war. After peaceful day spent doing labour Rest assured, the beloved homeland.