Expurgation Hair Scare Remix FULL
UPDATE: Kade Dev saw this video Look out for him in the comments section What if the entirety of Expurgation is sung by PaRappa and Takoyama You all asked for a full version, so here it is Also, thank you so much for 14k subscribers I also see you coming from TikTok The original video is here: P. S. PaRappa came way before Friday Night Funkin. Thousands of Funky Friday players have used this audio for their TikToks. I ve seen a lot of these videos pop up on people s For You pages and they seem very unoriginal; it s just them playing a part of Expurgation while using this remix as their audio. Sure, it was fun at first, but now it s starting to get annoying. I was really disappointed by this because I was hardly given any credit for the work I ve put into this remix. TL; DR: This remix was ruined by Funky Friday players and reposters on TikTok. If you want to use this audio, I d really apprecia