Karpovs King Is In The Center But He Turns The Table
Anatoly Karpov vs Alexander Zaitsev Russian Championship (1970), Kuybyshev URS CaroKann Defense: Karpov Variation (B17) 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Nd7 5. Nf3 Ngf6 6. Nxf6+ Nxf6 7. Ne5 Bf5 8. c3 e6 9. g4 Bg6 Bd6 c5 Be4 cxd4 Nd7 Bg3+ d3+ Qf6 Qxf7 a6 h6 e5 Bf4 OOO Bxc1 Qxa2 Rhf8 Qa4+ Qc6 Kc7 Qb6 Rde8 Nf6 Re7 Qb5 Nd7 Rxf5 Qd3+ Qxf5 Nf6 Kd8 Nd7 Kc8 b5 Kc7 Kd8 Qxh5 Qf5 Kc7 Kc6 b4 Re6 Kc7 Kb7 Rb6 Kc7 Qf2 Qf5+ Qxe4+ Nc5 Ne6 g5 h5 Ra6 Ra3+ Rxe3 h4 Kd8 Kd7 Kc8 h3 g4 10 Thumbnail Credits: