Friday Freakout: BASE Jumper Turns Low, Lands in a. .. Bush
Subscribe here for more aerial awesomeness from Teem Forlicensing, usagepleasecontact and reference CS000408 What happened This jumper was exiting from an antenna with multiple cables running off it. While he managed to exit and (barely) not clip one of the cables, his body turned. An onheading opening kept him from turning into the antenna but, finding himself in a precarious situation, he decided to do the worst thing he could think of: turn low and not finish his flare. He (probably) got lucky that there was a bush in his way that cushioned his landing and prevented an injury. Why did it happen Nerves and inexperience The jumper looks pretty nervous and its likely that either nerves or inexperience resulted in his body position turning before deployment. Fortunately, he was still able to avoid the cables running off the antenna and his body posi