How a Rug Foreshadows the End of Shaun of the Dead
Through all his films, foreshadowing is one of the most fun strengths of director Edgar Wright. His ability to set up a story beat and pay it off in the most subtle, easter egg kind of ways, not only makes for interesting films, but rewards the eagleeyed viewer watching his movies time after time. But one of the sneakiest pieces of foreshadowing hes ever laid down on us, is in his zombie horror comedy Shaun of the Dead and it was right under our noses (and feet) the whole time. With his new film Last Night in Soho picking up the thread as well, Edgar Wright and his penchant for foreshadowing is well documented. Its a bull fight on TV in Baby Driver setting up his final confrontation with Jon Hamm. Its the production design in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World that makes the evil exes seem obvious in retrospect. The rest of the Cornetto Trilogy, Hot Fuzz and The Worlds End, dont skimp on dropping hints either, often working in background clues to how the movie will play out even if you dont get them un