The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats, Bedtime Stories for Kids, Animated Fairy Tales
In one of the lush forests, a wolf wandered. He was hungry all the time. He ate a lot, but he could never get enough to satisfy his stomach. One day, the hungry wolf discovered a small hut. He sneaked up carefully and quietly. When he got close, he looked out of the trees and saw that a mother goat and her seven babies lived in the hut. The mother goat left the house to go to the market. At that time, the wolf, sneakily watching the hut, called it an opportunity and jumped out But he needed a genius idea to fool little goats. The Wolf And The Seven Little Goats. Bedtime Stories for Kids, Animated Fairy Tales Please Subscribe: 2020 Adisebaba Animation all rights reserved , FairyTalesandStoriesforKids Considering the length of time that children spend in front of the screen, the effects of the content they follow becomes crucial to us. For this reason, as Adisebaba, our contents are prepared under the supervision of psychological counselor. FA