Advanced English Words Americans Mispronounce, Difficult English Words
In this video, we re going to talk about words that even native speakers mispronounce sometimes. Improve your pronunciation with our course Pronunciation 2022 : Use the promo code WEIRDWORDS to get a 20 discount Timestamps: 00:00 Even native speakers mispronounce them 01:10 Realtor 01:28 Salmon 01:53 Garbage 02:16 Cache 02:43 Improve your pronunciation with our course 04:05 Mischievous 04:43 Jewelry 04:57 Coupon 05:36 Hyperbole 06:18 Foliage 06:33 Worcestershire Sauce 07:39 Assuage JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP INSTAGRAM linguamarina LEARN LANGUAGES ABROAD ENROLL IN MY YOUTUBE COURSE DOWNLOAD MY ENGLISH WORKBOOK Get your English text corrected instantly h