Building a Timber Frame Outdoor Forest Kitchen, Addition to my LOG CABIN, Fishing, Off Grid Living
Today is the first day of autumn. Summer is over During this time, a lot of work has been done on the log Cabin. Heavy rain is forecast for the next few days, so in order to protect the BBQ fireplace from moisture, I decided to take a short break from building a log cabin and start building a pavilion for my forest kitchen. My Patreon My PayPal ( For channel support ) My Instagram: I am 21 years old I Continue to build my own log cabin (on my 2 acres) which will later serve as a sauna, shower and a small room where I can relax while building my real big house and my farm for me and my family. Next summer I plan to start raising livestock, maybe goats, sheep, chickens and cows. Also, my goal is to learn to live a more independent life. All my construction and my life in the forest will be documented on this channel Bjorn Brenton So su