Street Kit Project Gune Gena (produced by Balu)
Music Video Produced by Balu Video credits: Cameramen: Ze ev Shalev, Emily Jacoby, Yogev Atias Edit: Balu with Yaron Gan Location manager: Ilan Duvshani Actors: Balu, Itai Freed, Daniel chen (choruses) Puppeting: Gili Caspi Bass player: Nadav Lazar Market man: Aron Gavriel The Yemeni Guy: The Yemeni Guy Bartender: Gal Sagi Dancers: Dror Goldstein, Michal Mazar, Danielle moshel, Hadas Cohen, Reut Grinberg, Roee Hovshi, Joe Ze evi, Aviad Sanes, Aviv Shalit, Tze ela Rinsky, Shreder and many more crazy ass p