Can a One Armed Samurai Actually Fight ( The Unexpected Results)
In famous anime, manga, movies, etc. , theres always that one character with a major disadvantage but is super strong. For example, they are blind, deaf, or have only one arm. But can a singlearmed samurai actually fight So today, Seki sensei, the 22nd headmaster of Kobudo Asayama Ichiden Ryu with 400 years of history, will introduce how to fight if your right arm is completely disabled. By watching this video, you will learn that being a onearmed samurai is not only a weakness but rather a strength. The final story about how his onearmed Senpai fought Kendo was unbelievably interesting, so please watch this video until the end. Yes, Seki Sensei actually had a Kendoka Senpat who only had one arm. By the way, tickets for the 3day training camp in Japan held by Seki Sensei and Let s ask Shogo are now on sale Check out our Patreon page for more information The content of our videos is based on the teachings of Asayama Ichiden Ryu and personal studies, experience, There