San Diego Comic Con 2011: Doctor Who: The Doctor and Amy Pond Look alike Contest
The amount of Doctor Who cosplay at this year s San Diego ComicCon was incredible. There were gangers of the Fourth Doctor, the Fifth, the Ninth, and the Tenth. There were TARDISes and Idrises and Daleks but the largest contingent of cosplayers were those dressed as the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond. We held a costume contest to find the best Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond in attendance at ComicCon and met some extraordinary Whovians along the way. Watch our recap and see why we think Doctor Who has some of the best fans in scifi Want to see more from this contest Check out our photo gallery at And keep up with Doctor Who and more ComicCon exclusives by following BBC America and Anglophenia on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr